YLF Events

Rise to Conquer Family Business Challenges with Parimal Merchant

Event Venue

  • Kenilworth Hotel
  • Event Type : Physical Event


  • 24 May 2024
ICC YLF - Rise to Conquer Family Business Challenges with Parimal Merchant

Event Overview

On May 24th, YLF hosted an enlightening event with Dr. Parimal Merchant. Dr. Merchant, a distinguished authority in family business management and the Director of the Global Family Managed Business Program at SP Jain School of Global Management, shared his vast expertise in navigating the complexities inherent in family-run enterprises. The event provided attendees with practical strategies for addressing common family business issues, enhancing profitability, and ensuring successful succession planning. Dr. Merchant’s insights, drawn from his extensive experience and research, left a lasting impact on all participants, empowering them to tackle their unique business challenges with confidence and foresight.